PC to phone transfers with obexd 0.6
Guillaume Bedot
2008-10-30 08:10:15 UTC

I have noticed some bug with obexd.
Only the first chunk of data is transfered correctly.
send-files test script says the transfer completed succesfully, but the
image doesn't appear on the pĥone.

Here is send files's output :

./send-files 00:19:63:E3:5B:9A ~/test.jpg
Transfer started
Filename = /home/ltx/test.jpg
Name = test.jpg
Size = 25863
Transfer progress (0 bytes)
Transfer progress (3896 bytes)
Transfer progress (7792 bytes)
Transfer progress (11688 bytes)
Transfer progress (15584 bytes)
Transfer progress (19480 bytes)
Transfer progress (23376 bytes)
Transfer progress (25863 bytes)
Transfer finished

The resulting image is attached.

Any idea of what is wrong ?


Guillaume B.
